Strands of Genius: Claire Sellers + 2023 Social Media Career Report
featuring: an interview with our guest editor and a research report
Welcome to the Bonus edition of Strands of Genius! On Fridays, we’ll be publishing interviews from our guest editors, and sharing a research report. Thanks for being along for the ride. Oh and by the way, you look great today :)
From the early days of modern social media marketing (back when we were still poking each other on Facebook) until now, the profession has seen countless transformations, fueled by the speed of social media itself. Needless to say, the last couple decades have been a wild ride for social marketers. In 2023, we can finally say (with confidence) that social marketing has blossomed into a full-fledged career, which makes it the perfect time to talk about it.
>> Claire Sellers guest curated Strands on September 14th, 2023. Read it here.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and what keeps you busy. How did you end up doing what you’re doing today?
I was born and raised in Atlanta, GA and at the age of 18 moved to NYC to pursue my dreams of being an actress. I quickly realized that wasn't exactly all it was cracked up to be and pivoted to a business degree. After a brief and rocky stint at a mean girl PR firm, I landed a job as the first employee at a large education start up opening a global network of schools. I worked my way up the ladder and within five years was the youngest person by a landslide on the leadership team. While on the outside, my life seemed great–I had a fancy apartment with a dishwasher in Manhattan, great friends, went to SoulCycle, I was dating–I knew I was meant to do something BIG with my life. I convinced my company to let me work remotely and I traveled around the world for two years studying with different coaches, teachers, and healers to get clarity on my purpose. What I uncovered was a process that helped me get such profound clarity on my purpose and the impact I wanted to have on the world that I knew I had made an important discovery. I eventually left my corporate job and founded my coaching company. For the last five years, I have supported hundreds of women in uncovering their purpose in life, supporting them in leaving their corporate jobs and starting businesses that set their souls on fire. It is truly the honor of a lifetime to do this work and I have created a pretty rad lifestyle, too. I am based in Mexico City but spend a couple months a year in Baja and will be spending the fall in India and Nepal.
What excites you most about what you do?
That I work with some of the best people in the industry so I feel inspired and I love helping people get clarity. So many women come to me feeling completely lost, stuck, unsure and like a puzzle I can see the vision and empower them to take the steps to get there. Nothing makes me happier than getting messages from clients not only during our work, but a year later. "I bought the farm!" "I found love!" "I got my degree!" "Our business hit $X milestone." I am in touch with all of my clients for life and I love being a part of their journeys and evolution.
What beliefs define your approach to work? How would you define your leadership style?
I am a people-first leader. This has been my approach since day 1. Even when I was the head counselor at a theatre summer camp when I was 16. Then later, being a young executive at a growing education start up with a large team. I learned quickly, the way to lead is through connection and heart. Now, as an entrepreneur and coach, at the end of the day, the most important thing to me is that I am helping people be better and create their dream lives.
What has been the most rewarding project you’ve worked on and why?
In my former life as a corporate executive, opening one of the largest private schools in NYC from the ground up was extremely rewarding. There is a picture of me with a vacuum on my back at 3:00 am the night before we opened. We were stashing things in the closest so it looked perfect for the parents and students. In the last five years, I have used those skills I learned to build my own digital dream business. I can live anywhere. I can work as much or as little as I want and I am in constant connection with people helping them create their dream life which as a massive domino effect in their families and communities. I get to lead retreats and support women all over the world over Zoom. The reality I am living wasn't even in my realm of possibilities five years ago. That feels extremely rewarding.
We are big believers in diversity -- Not only because we believe in equality, but because we also think it’s better for business. How do you frame these kinds of conversations, both internally and with clients? Is there an emphasis on action, or are the conversations really more about communication?
It is really important for me to create an inclusive community in every coaching container, retreat, program, masterclass–every single space that I hold. In my experience, we create this by example and energy. For me, it's more about showing than talking about it. People feel that. They feel loved and seen in my spaces and that is the heart of inclusivity.
Switching gears a bit, how do you find time to balance personal interests with your career? Do you believe work/life balance is possible? Anything you’ve implemented that you recommend that others try?
One of the reasons I love my business is because it is a "lifestyle business." I would say about 25% of my "job" actually feels like work. The rest is just me living my life, sharing it with my community and creating programs that excite me and make an impact. The occasional client call, some admin tasks, or logistic coordination feels like work. Other than that, I honestly don't feel like I am working. My favorite hobby is walking and talking on the phone and that is basically what I do a lot of the day (except I'm on Zoom and usually sitting). I have a pretty stable schedule that I stick to which helps me have structure and balance. I don't take calls before 11 or after 4 and I delete all social media off my phone from 10pm-10am because it is addicting AF!
What’s your media diet? Where do you find inspiration?
I am probably not the best person to answer this. I am a weirdo and I don't watch the news, read blogs, newspapers, or anything of that sort. I do love Taylor Swift and stay connected to my teachers and inspiring work in the personal development and coaching industries through Instagram! I also am obsessed with all French and English bulldog content.
What’s the best piece of advice/knowledge you’ve stolen, and who/where’d you steal it from?
My first coach told me the quote by Rumi, "When you walk out onto the way, the way will appear." I've tested this 1000 times over and can assure you it is true. Maybe not always in the way you think, but a way will appear. Also, my mom always says, "you panic, you lose." This is a mantra for me especially on travel days!
You can keep in touch with Claire through Instagram.
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