Strands of Genius: Jerry Seinfeld Shares His Experience with Transcendental Meditation, Find a CranioSacral Therapist Near You, Project 100
Guest curated by Heather LeFevre, Freelance Creative and Well-Being Strategist
Each year we aim to highlight 50 creative thinkers that have inspired us by giving them the opportunity to guest curate this newsletter, Strands of Genius. This edition is guest curated by Heather LeFevre, Freelance Creative and Well-Being Strategist.
Hello Fellow Lovers of Insights. I know Faris and Rosie through working in advertising and writing a book about it (Brain Surfing) - work that nearly killed me! My hip and shoulder pain were costing me so much money and time I went to massage school thinking it would get me out of pain and back into full-time strategy work. Instead, I fell in love with learning about the human body and am now certified in California to practice CranioSacral Therapy as well as instruct Pilates and Gyrokinesis. Being able to slow down has made me a better strategist. I continue to conduct research, facilitate work sessions, and work with creative teams. And if their shoulder happens to be hurting before a meeting, I help when I can. When you think about your work, I invite you to consider that your body is the most expensive equipment you own and utilize to do what you do. Most folks I meet consider the types of healing and training work I do to be luxuries. Instead, I view ACTIVE RECOVERY to be necessary tools to keep myself performing as an executive athlete.
Editor’s Note (Genius Steals): We’re so thankful to know Heather, as she is always full of wisdom. Her book, Brainsurfing, is always one we recommend — but if you ever have a chance to meet up with her for a coffee or some gyrokinesis online or in person, you’ll be in for an absolute treat. We always leave feeling like our hearts are full after a Heather LeFevre encounter!
One of the funniest and persuasive accounts of Transcendental Meditation from someone who attributes much of his success to the practice. It's not a cult! I had already gone to yoga teacher training and thought I understood meditation. TM is different from other methods of meditation, the organization has spent the time and money to prove that is so, and is worth your time and money to add to your recovery practice. (YouTube)
It may only feel like an assisted nap; it may offer profound physical or emotional release. This type of light-touch manual therapy is especially beneficial at combatting and releasing the tensions and stresses of modern life. You have membranes through and around your brain, spinal cord, and nerves that can hold tension. A massage just can't reach some of these places. My own experience having an emotional release led me to practice this modality. This method is also backed by research which can be seen in the left navigation "Research, Articles & Case Studies". (Iahp)
A membership that drips persuasive well-being perspectives and insights straight to your inbox. One of my life's ambitions is to be as robust as I possibly can as I age. I do not believe this will happen without conscious effort. Getting out of pain and learning to live well with a highly sensitive nervous system took a lot of research as well as trial and error. My goal is to share the most impactful insights I've gathered and get to know more people who make their health a priority in their life design. (Project 100)
Looking for more from Heather LeFevre? Coming Friday, look for an interview from her in your inbox!
:: Game :: UNO
:: City :: Amsterdam
:: Book :: How to Disagree Without Being Disagreeable by Suzette Haden Elgin
Buy Brain Surfing and work on your Active Recovery with Heather
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It's called Genius Steals because we believe ideas are new combinations and that nothing can come from nothing. But copying is lazy. We believe the best way to innovate is to look at the best of that which came before and combine those elements into new solutions.
Co-Founders Faris & Rosie are award-winning strategists and creative directors, writers, consultants and public speakers who have been living on the road/runway since March 2013, working with companies all over the world. Our Director of Operations is nomadic like us, our accounting team is based out of Washington, our company is registered in Tennessee, and our collaborators are all over the world. Being nomadic allows us to go wherever clients need us to be, and to be inspired by the world in between.
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