Strands of Genius: Peter Levitan + The Age of Re-enchantment Emerging Trends and Opportunities
featuring: an interview with our guest editor and a research report
Welcome to the Bonus edition of Strands of Genius! On Fridays, we’ll be publishing interviews from our guest editors, and sharing a research report. Thanks for being along for the ride. Oh and by the way, you look great today :)
It’s time to remake the world through the lens of re-enchantment, where the new brand metrics are jaw drops, heart swells, and goosebumps. Brands can help people transcend tough times and jolt them from long-standing malaise by celebrating the thrilling, the uplifting, the awe-inspiring, and the magical.
>> Peter Levitan guest curated Strands on August 10th, 2023. Read it here.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and what keeps you busy. How did you end up doing what you’re doing today?
I sold my Portland Oregon advertising agency in 2012. As I exited, some agency leaders asked me to help them build smart effective business development and agency management programs. I now run my agency consultancy from my home in beautiful San Miguel de Allende Mexico and wherever my travels take me. As Rosie and Yakob know for sure... nomadism is good.
I am currently marketing my new book, "How To Build A Kick-Ass Advertising Agency" and doing the research for two books on the baby boom generation.
What excites you most about what you do?
I am on a journey. I've gone from professional photographer in SF to ad man in New York and London to Internet startup guy. My early-stage news website had more viewers than The New York Times website. Microsoft bought my intelligent bot company. Today, I am most excited about researching and writing books.
What beliefs define your approach to work? How would you define your leadership style?
I'll use two live-by quotes. From race car driver Mario Andretti: “If everything seems under control, you’re just not going fast enough.” And from U.S. General Eric Shinseki: “If you dislike change, you’re going to dislike irrelevance even more.” In respect to leadership, I offer the advice that one should never want to be the smartest person in the room.
What has been the most rewarding project you’ve worked on and why?
Without question, being a founder and CEO of the instant messenger bot company ActiveBuddy. Our SmarterChild bot had millions of 'buddies' on AOL, MSN and Yahoo! Our first commercial business client was Radiohead.
We are big believers in diversity -- Not only because we believe in equality, but because we also think it’s better for business. How do you frame these kinds of conversations, both internally and with clients? Is there an emphasis on action, or are the conversations really more about communication?
I've interviewed black and hispanic ad agency owners about their experiences on three of my “Advertising Stories” podcasts and discuss the need for proactive DEI outreach in the recruitment chapter in my “How To Build a Kick-Ass Advertising Agency” book. Walking the talk is critical.
Switching gears a bit, how do you find time to balance personal interests with your career? Do you believe work/life balance is possible? Anything you’ve implemented that you recommend that others try?
My wife would argue with this statement... I'm balanced. Plus, I live in Mexico. The pace is simply slower here.
What’s your media diet? Where do you find inspiration?
I try to ration my media diet - audio, video and written input can get insane. That said, I have been addicted to The New York Times since learning to read.
What’s the best piece of advice/knowledge you’ve stolen, and who/where’d you steal it from?
I'm laughing. One of my favorite books is Austin Kleon's “Steal Like An Artist.” OK, three more quotes for you... Take it, Picasso: “Art is theft.” How about David Bowie? “The only art I will ever study is stuff that I can steal from.” Even more theft from a genius. Take it, Einstein: “The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.”
How do you tame your mind?
I try to meditate.
You can keep in touch with Peter by email at or through LinkedIn.
If we can ever be of help to you, even outside of a formal engagement, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
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