Strands of Genius: Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer, Jean Gebser and Integral, Es Devlin
Guest curated by Justin “JB” Bolognino, Founder/CEO, META
Each year we aim to highlight 50 creative thinkers that have inspired us by giving them the opportunity to guest curate this newsletter, Strands of Genius. This edition is guest curated by Justin “JB” Bolognino, Founder/CO, META.
LOCATION: New York, New York
Hello! My name is Justin Bolognino, but these days I go by “JB.” I’m most known as the founder of (the Real) META, where we’ve been making artist and tech-driven immersive experiences for around fifteen years. META is the realm ‘beyond’ that can only be seen with the Mind’s eye, connecting us all as One. My life’s work is to reveal this world of hidden connections through immersive artistry, all founded upon music, design, technology, and storytelling. Consciousness is the base-layer of Reality (see: Analytical Idealism); I truly believe the entire Universe is music-ing at all times. The key is to learn to Listen and hear the symphony of NOW.
I first met Rosie and Faris in the late aughts, likely due to the AV DJ act I was managing at the time, called Eclectic Method. As a sapiosexual, I was immediately attracted to them both and have always admired their skills as both marketers, nomads, and heart-centered humans.
Pushing my links into the ‘extra heady’ category, sharing things that astound me the world hasn’t really caught onto yet, at least not to the extent I believe they should be!
Editor’s Note (Genius Steals): We did indeed meet JB in those heady days trying to infuse advertising in NYC with technology. I was always incredibly impressed with his drive and vision - check out his studio’s work here at META.IS - yes he had the name 15 years ago. He’s a lovely man. Thanks so much JB for this very stimulating edition!
I can’t read a screen or a PDF, so I’d buy the book, but if you can, it is available for free. I’ve ran across a small section of people that have read this book, and since that absurd episode of Drunk History came out about John C Lilly fucking whales, there is no attention left for this absolute mindfuck of a non-fiction treatise on consciousness. Programming and Metaprogramming was first a commissioned research paper the government gave the leading neuroscientist, Lilly, just after the turn of the sixties. He spent years taking a whopping 300 microgram dose of LSD, and in doing so, invented the sensory deprivation tank, as a means to experience “pure subjectivity,” only available by nullifying all physical sensation. His thesis is the human body is a “biocomputer” that runs Programs, which are the active substs of Metaprograms and Supermetaprograms. Lilly posited that with this new superdrug, one could reprogram ones own biocomputer, thus diminishing the effects of the external programs forced upon us. Heady, but essential stuff. (John C Lilly M.D.)
Once again, I couldn’t imagine reading this on a screen, but its there if that’s your thing. Gebser wrote this very German treatise on evolutionary consciousness back in 1947 (give or take) and it wasn’t translated into English until 1996. He was the first person to coin the idea of “Integral,” positing five distinct stages of development: Primal, Magic, Mythic, Rational, and Integral. Best of all, he uses art and art history to prove his case in looking at the subtle similarities of art from ancient sculptures to Cubism, which at the time was peak Integral. This book and line of thinking seem to be lost to our culture which is increasingly opposed to any form of hierarchy… though denying hierarchy is indeed a hierarchy. The Ever-Present Origin is a dense and challenging read but an essential one nonetheless. (Archive.Org)
Undoubtedly, I believe Es Devlin is the best artist in the world and someone you’ve likely not heard of. You’ve seen her work with U2, The Weekend, Kanye, Beyonce, and on and on. Her philosophical depth, clarity, consistency of voice, and exquisite aesthetic touch play out through all of her work, from her early days as a theater set designer to her Super Bowl halftime shows. After recently visiting her must-see exhibition at the Cooper Hewitt in NYC, I was literally depressed for days, considering the breadth, depth and quality of her work in comparison to my own, or any other. Just astounding. Her book is, of course, stunning and makes a great exploration for any creatively curious human. (Our World In Data)
Looking for more from Justin? Coming Friday, look for an interview from him in your inbox!
:: Game :: Pictionary
:: City :: Barcelona
:: Book :: Narcissus and Goldmund by Hesse
:: Podcast :: Sam Harris
:: Song :: Within You Without You by the Beatles
Made these “Instapoems” for a few years, this is a fun one:
Huge thanks to Rosie and Faris. Can’t believe I actually got to do this, humbled! And double huge thanks to my wife, Elizabeth, for the enduring support in allowing me to be… me.
Hope you all enjoyed this and learned a thing or two! DM me on IG if you'd to connect @jbolognino
:: BONUS! ::
We love Eclectic Method and his work, which is indeed how we connected with JB. Years later, EM very kindly made us a mash-up of our old creativity talks and this is a great excuse to post it!
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It's called Genius Steals because we believe ideas are new combinations and that nothing can come from nothing. But copying is lazy. We believe the best way to innovate is to look at the best of that which came before and combine those elements into new solutions.
Co-Founders Faris & Rosie are award-winning strategists and creative directors, writers, consultants and public speakers who have been living on the road/runway since March 2013, working with companies all over the world. Our Director of Operations is nomadic like us, our accounting team is based out of Washington, our company is registered in Tennessee, and our collaborators are all over the world. Being nomadic allows us to go wherever clients need us to be, and to be inspired by the world in between.
Hit reply and let’s talk about how we might be able to work together :)