WRITING FROM | Chattynoogs, TN
WORKING ON | catching up, new workshop, writing, health club
May 20 - June 16 | Chattanooga, TN
June 16-17 | Atlanta, GA
Happy Pride Month!!
The last couple of weeks contain both of our birthdays and we’ve had various friends staying to celebrate, which is why we missed you last week. We have booked in some time in June to get health-ier or at least focus our energies on that for a while. More cooking at home, more exercising, and more social activities that don’t revolve around drinking ;) Faris starts his mentoring calls this week with some young creatives via the LIA Creative LIAsions program and Rosie is now on the board of Ladies Who Strategize! She’s adding gardening and pottery to her hobbies, and we’re enjoying some beautiful Tennessee weather.
This week, we’re especially thankful for:
Carmen&Alec for taking us out on the Tennessee River, Scott, Lana, Alex&Collin, weather, Krapopolis, Trading Places, The Triangle of Sadness, all of the flowers in bloom but especially the peonies we planted out front that are STUNNING, Will & Cory for helping us turn our yard into an oasis with walkways, Catbird, espresso martinis, & YOU.
What happens when someone sees an ad? That’s the question Faris tackles thanks to an invitation from MarketReach to write about their new research and planning tool. “The year-long project had four stages, including verification from PWC, with the final stage validating the results from the panel by using AI powered cameras in homes to see what people actually did with their mail and when. The research highlights physical actions like open rates, of course, (by sector, audience and mail type), whether it was looked at all, how long it is kept in the home, if it is put on the fridge, who it gets passed on to and whether they took the mail to work.” (MarketReach)
From a painting by Holbein to today’s 3D billboards, anamorphic art is awesome -as long as you are in exactly the right place. “According to the University of Arizona’s Wyant College of Optics, “Anamorphic art appears distorted upon first glance. When that piece of art is viewed from a particular angle, or with a mirror or lens, the image becomes ‘normal.’” (PrintMag)
If you’ve watched History of Swear Words some of this will be familiar, though even so this is a lovely read about how profanity evolves over time, and explains why ‘cunt’ is clearly having its own moment. (BTW if you haven’t seen the Netflix show, it’s Nicholas Cage at his best. Playing himself. Talking about profanity.).
(The Utter)
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“Holzer is known as a neo-conceptual artist.
Most of her work is presented in public spaces and includes words and ideas,in the form of word art (also known as text art).
The public dimension is integral to Holzer's work.
Her large-scale installations have included advertising billboards, projections on buildings and other architectural structures, and illuminated electronic displays.”
If we can ever be of help to you, even outside of a formal engagement, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
faris & rosie | your friends over at geniussteals.co
(still want more? @faris is still “tweeting” while @rosieyakob prefers instagram stories)
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It's called Genius Steals because we believe ideas are new combinations and that nothing can come from nothing. But copying is lazy. We believe the best way to innovate is to look at the best of that which came before and combine those elements into new solutions.
Co-Founders Faris & Rosie are award-winning strategists and creative directors, writers, consultants and public speakers who have been living on the road/runway since March 2013, working with companies all over the world. We have a distributed team ourselves, an accounting team is based in Tennessee where our company is registered, our admin extraordinaire is based in Playa del Carmen, and our collaborators are all over the world. Being nomadic allows us to go wherever clients need us to be, and to be inspired by the world in between.
Hit reply and let’s talk about how we might be able to work together :)