Strands of Genius: The Moonshot, A Bit of Artificial Empathy, Piano Improv and the Creative Brain
Guest curated by Emma Neale, Impact Investment Ops, Nesta
Each year we aim to highlight 50 creative thinkers that have inspired us by giving them the opportunity to guest curate this newsletter, Strands of Genius. This edition is guest curated by Emma Neale, Impact Investment Ops, Nesta.
LOCATION: London, Finchley / Blackfriars
I knew Faris in his 20s, and have had the pleasure of meeting Rosie when they joined journeys…and watching the way they are so very boldly themselves always inspires me. There really is no one quite like either of them. Super creative, and super good people.
As I work for Nesta, a UK based innovation agency…for social good, and Nesta originated as the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts. I love this creative intersection.
Editor’s Note (Faris): Well technically it began in my teens ;-) I met Emma at my college at University and despite being in different years were part of the same extended friendship group of well let’s not say misfits since the context meant that made us the cool kids, and no one was cool. Lol. We have been in and out of touch over decades thanks to that same group occasionally flexing itself back into marriages or whatsapp threads or reunions. She was always great, focused, charming, delightfully direct compared to the general level of bullshitting among students, and when I heard she was working as Nesta I was excited for her. If you don’t know Nesta see below it is super cool.
but also scroll to the bottom to see a wonderful image made by her daughter and a poem Emma wrote for her.
“Nesta is a British foundation, registered as a charity, which supports innovation. In 2021, Nesta announced their 10-year strategy that sees them focusing their efforts on three core missions: A Fairer Start, A Healthy Life, and A Sustainable Future. Nesta was originally funded by a £250 million endowment from the UK National Lottery.”
Thanks so much Emma for an excellent edition and hopefully see you at the next thing.
I think perhaps I missed the discovery that there was water on the moon - which was, apparently, made in 2020 by NASA’s Sophia Mission. Nesta’s Challenge Works recently launched The Aqualunar Challenge, a prize that encourages scientists to come up with new ways of making this drinkable. And why not? Love a bit of a breakthrough science prize for getting the creativity flowing. (Challenge Works Org)
Although I understand it’s commonly used in advertising to test ads, as a concept, it’s somewhat dystopian to me. But on my travels last week I came across the early learning robot, Moxie, a toy robot that helps you develop emotionally as you play and loved the idea. One of Nesta’s aims is to innovate around giving all kids a fair chance in life, so I’m fascinated by the breakthroughs in pre-k innovation, and developments in the ethics. For all my concerns, perhaps artificial empathy can help us all learn more about our own emotions. (Forbes & Psychology Today)
Okay, so I may be late to this party, but for my ‘arts’ top pick it has to be ‘piano improvisation’, where a fully classically trained pianist, riffs on whatever pop, classical or other request the audience calls out, combines in front of everyone. I was treated to this at one of those ‘London’s best-kept-secret’ venues, an intimate space where you get to see classical musicians in close quarters. I was absolutely blown away by the rising talent, in particular Sam Pena. Google recently gifted me Charles Limb’s Ted Talk, exploring the neuroscience behind musical improvisation and creativity, and I’m currently recommending Your Brain on Art to everyone. (Sam Pianist, Ted Talks & Your Brain on Art)
Looking for more from Emma? Coming Friday, look for an interview from her in your inbox!
:: Game :: Yes and…
:: City :: London, my ever changing home
:: Book :: ‘Scattered Minds’ Gabor Maté
:: Podcast :: Selling with Love
:: Song :: Art Tatum's version of Over the Rainbow, (1939) .
This is a real photo by S. W. du Toit that was colour edited by my daughter (Layla)!
I write little text poems for my's a short one... Chat GPT Vs Me Chat GPT Has stole... My soul! I am a poet, Without A Role. I can't compete, Can't... Find the words, Or knit the Concepts Quite as fast. Can't grasp a Scope That's Quite as... Vast But still I write. From me To you, To process Love. As that, Chat GPT Can Never Do.
- Emma
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It's called Genius Steals because we believe ideas are new combinations and that nothing can come from nothing. But copying is lazy. We believe the best way to innovate is to look at the best of that which came before and combine those elements into new solutions.
Co-Founders Faris & Rosie are award-winning strategists and creative directors, writers, consultants and public speakers who have been living on the road/runway since March 2013, working with companies all over the world. Our Director of Operations is nomadic like us, our accounting team is based out of Washington, our company is registered in Tennessee, and our collaborators are all over the world. Being nomadic allows us to go wherever clients need us to be, and to be inspired by the world in between.
Hit reply and let’s talk about how we might be able to work together :)